Please Change de 275 Km radius rule in CQ Contests

We contesters from several countries around the world want to submit the scores we achieve in CQ Contests to our Club or Groups but find that our intention collapses with the 275 km radius rule. This rule was first established in the early stages of this world wide competitions, but it only took into account the situation of Contest Club or Groups based on the US. There are countries specially outside the USA and Europe where the territory is vast and the ham population is really low. Our Club/Group members believe that a change is necessary, especially considering that the wording for that change is minimal. We really hope this rule is revised one and for good to meet the current situation which certainly is not the same as when the rule was written. Participation in this competitions is increasing all over the world and such little (yet very important) change will be happily received and appreciated by the world wide community. We kindly ask the contest organizers to review this rule to meet the needs of Clubs and Groups around the world. Sincerely, The undersigned.