Sending this on behalf of all customers of the WWE 2k15 game on Xbox 360. We have experienced server issues for quit sometime now. These server issues are not like other company's such as rockstar, ea sports, and etc where when the servers do down they would update us on the issue and have them up and running in no time. When it comes to 2K servers, not only do we go down for a range of 5-7 days but the company does not even acknowledge us. Instead the twitter, facebook, and other outlets stay silent and the support team sends us back a generic message that doesn't help us with our problem while they act like its us having the issue. We are told to clear cache and check internet when 2K knows its there servers so doing so would not help at all, considering we have tried it every time they asked us to. We are told to send ticket numbers on twitter for there help and 2K just send us the same generic answer after we tweet them. We spent 8 days down in June, 7 days down in July, and 7 days down in August. When they finally go back up we play for a little while and eventually go back down. Recently, the servers went down August 20/21 of 2015. We were able to bug 2K and get them back up August 27, 2015. They stayed up until August 31 and eventually went back down and here it is September 3, 2015 and we are still down yet again. Why do we pay for a game we cannot play?. Why must we have to write 5 page letters and tweet everyday to play a game we paid for?. They keep telling us to pre order the WWE 2K16 game but the truth is, why should we if we cant even play the current game now?. This message is being posted on every social media platform and sent to 2K support from all different people with THE SAME OUTRAGE. We are sick of this and it needs to be fixed permanently. Don't get the servers up and running for a few days and then shut us down for another week and have us sending long messages to get them back up. I encourage everyone sending this message to put a hold on the WWE 2K16 game until these servers work for an extended amount of time. Don't pay over $60 for a game that you will have to go through all this trouble to play online. Let them know we are sick of it and we deserve better. Don't bother responding to us with the same generic "we don't have an idea how long" "We don't know what's going on" "clear cache" crap because we know the truth. The truth is, your servers and your company does not care about the consumer. You are in it for the MONEY and when THQ had the game they cared about us but now we are stuck with 2K. We want our servers back up and running for Xbox 360 on the WWE 2K15 game and we want them to stay up!. If they happen to go down we don't want to have to wait a WEEK or so to play the game we PLAYED FOR!.