Petition to Support the Redesign of Fifth Street

We the undersigned support the redesign of Fifth Street between B and L Streets to provide: * One lane of through traffic in each direction * A center lane with dedicated left turn pockets * Bike lanes on both sides. Redesigns similar to this have been implemented in over 70 cities across the US, with consistent success in reducing accidents and calming traffic, without diminishing capacity. This exact design is in the adopted Davis General Plan and can be accomplished with just paint and new traffic signal heads at the F and G Street intersections. Davis prides itself as a green, bike friendly city. Yet downtown Davis is bisected by a thoroughfare that is not safely navigable by bicycles or pedestrians; nor is it particularly safe for drivers. A city with accolades like Davis should have a "complete street" as its main street: one that is welcoming to cars, pedestrians and bicyclists alike. This redesign will provide smoother traffic flow, and make access to downtown easier and more welcoming. Most importantly, it will greatly improve safety for all users of the road: motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and emergency vehicle crews. Davis has spent thousands of dollars on professional traffic engineering studies which conclude that traffic throughput will be maintained. These findings must guide traffic planning. We call on the Davis City Council to implement this redesign with all deliberate speed.