World Wide Day of Unity

In the interest of all humanity, we would like to see a day of Unity on September 11, 2010. This year marks the 9th anniversary of Sept. 11. The date is the same except that the 01 is now 10. On 9/11/01, the entire world, all different races, religions and social backgrounds lost love ones. In that moment, we came together across the world as one united people. For just a little while, we forgot about differences. I am asking, no challenging the world to do it once again. I am calling for a day of Unity on 9/11/10 to commemorate the fact that we proved once that the world could unite and forget the differences. It does not have to take a tragedy does it? For just one day, can we not all respect the lives lost in this and other tragedies by spending the day across the world forgetting the differences and being people and nothing more. So everyone, please, not for me, but for the ones who lost their lives and the ones who lost loved ones to tragedy and violence. Let us honor them all by showing that we can come together again for just one day to respect their memories. In 1996 I wrote a poem that I would like to see come into being, and I think, no I know, I have faith that we can for one day see world peace. A day of unity. Peace Wouldn't it be grand If we could all understand That violence isn't the answer? Wouldn't it be sweet If we could all afford to eat And hunger would not be a problem? Wouldn't it be fine If we could all find the time To help out someone who needs it? Wouldn't it be great If help never came too late And sorrow was not an emotion? And would it take too long For us to all get along And love each other for being people? (Couldn't we do this for just one day? We did it in the name of tragedy, now let's do it in the name of Peace)