New Star Trek Armada based Game.

I recently sent an Email to Bethesda Softworks to see if the would be willing to create a Star Trek Armada 3, the third in the series as Armada 2 came out 6 years ago. Ok, so they responded to my email really fast and said that they are already planning another Star Trek game, called Conquest read here for the details. Anyway, I think that the only way for us to get our point across that we would really like a new RTS based game for Star Trek, to follow in the footsteps of the first two Armada's but with features that we have been wanting. Ok so the point of this thread is to create a petition for people to sign and I'm hoping for at least 200 signatures before I go back to them and say that we would really like it for the PC and not the PS2/3/PSP, Wii/DS/GBA, Xbox/360. Ok so here is the actual start of the petition, now what I want you to do, is post your Real name and ONE and only ONE thing that you would like to see in this new Armada, don't worry about saying something that someone already posted, its ok at least it would be consistent.