Anti-Eviction Campaign Petition to Release Political Prisoners

We, the undersigned, support the demands of the Delft Anti-Eviction Campaign for the unconditional release of Jerome Daniels and Reidwaan Isaacs. Both men have been leaders in the Symphony Way community with a mandate from the evicted occupants of the N2 Gateway Housing Project in Delft. On Wednesday, 2 July 2008, the Bellville Magistrates Court convicted Mr. Isaacs and Mr. Daniels of malicious destruction of property, targeting these committee members for actions taken not by them , but by the community. Both men are currently serving their sentences in Goodwood Prison. They must be freed! Please sign as soon as possible. Petitions will be sent to government and anyone related to the imprisonment of Jerome Daniels and Reidwaan Isaacs. For more, visit: http://antieviction.org.za/tag/political-prisoners/