Protect the Future of Our Young People - Enact the Romeo and Juliet Law in California

We, the undersigned believe California is ready to join other states in the union by enacting a "California Romeo and Juliet Law". This law would define and separate the consensual, intimate acts of our teens and young adults in the context of loving relationships, from those who have committed violent, coercive, and predatory crimes. We believe in abolishing mandatory prison sentencing, as well as mandatory sex offender registration, and the wearing of GPS tracking devices for those convicted under the Romeo and Juliet Law. In addition, we believe in stiff sentencing laws and well-monitored sex offender registration for those who have committed violent, or predatory crimes, as well as any crime against children. However, grouping our young people in with pedophiles and rapists, subjecting them to prison, as well as the sex offender registry has not reduced teen sexual activity, nor the teen pregnancy rate. Criminalizing our teens and young adults is not the answer. We believe in early education of California's Statutes regarding these issues and that they be integrated into the public school Sexual Education Program, so that our teens will be accurately informed about the State's stance on Underage Sex. We believe in parental responsibility and accountability when it comes to the minors involved in these cases. To make a difference in the number of cases charged, we need a fair and just system across the board. When parent's are held accountable for their minor teen's sexual activity, we believe the incidence of cases will greatly decrease. We believe that enacting the California Romeo and Juliet Law will positively affect not only California's overcrowded prisons, but the fiscal impact on California's budget. We believe that by re-defining our "Romeo and Juliet's" from dangerous sexual offenders, California law enforcement will have the opportunity to focus on those who are truly a danger to society. Help us give our teens and young adults a chance again for their futures! Countless young lives lay in ruins due to these draconian laws. For one act of loving someone, should they have to pay for the rest of their lives? We Thank You For Joining Us! -California For Romeo and Juliet Law- Awareness-Advocacy-Change
Please feel free to visit our site, and educate yourself with the information we have, as well as the links to further information which we have provided. We encourage your comments, questions, and feedback. Getting the word out is half the battle!
Thank You for your interest and support.
-California For Romeo and Juliet Law-