Bring Back Camp Hyrule

Ladies, Gentlemen, LITHCasters, NSiders, and guests, Lend me your ears. Today is a solemn occasion. Today, July 18th, was the day the dream died. "What is Daniel talking about" You may ask. Well, to put it simply, Nintendo has essentially cancelled one of my favorite events, Camp Hyrule. Why they did this, I am not sure, but what I do know is that they are trying to pass off the reason as the fact that 13 is an unlucky number. This, I am sure, is complete boloney. I mean, Japanese company right So, 4 should be their unlucky number... But I digress. Nintendo of America believes that they can simply substitute the Camp Hyrule dream with a contest. While admittedly, the prize is a life-size statue of Link *drools*, we cannot forget that the reason we go to Camp Hyrule is for the community. Realize that only one person can go away the victor with a mere contest, but at Camp Hyrule, everyone leaves a winner. Now, I may sound like I am being very sentimental about this camp and there is a reason I am. This would be my third Camp Hyrule if I attend. For all those who love the podcast, know this, Camp Hyrule was one of the things that first inspired me to start doing some serious Nintendo stuff. Without it, there is a good chance this site and podcast wouldn't be here today. Moreover, Camp Hyrule is an event that occurs once a year, and at least on NSider, there are many people who will be leaving simply because they love Camp Hyrule and cannot live without it. There are also people that never got to even go to a real Camp Hyrule. Now, if you think I am not crazy, then maybe you'll join me in trying to save Camp Hyrule.