Against the RYA\'s recent subissions to ISAF

The RYA has recently made submissions to ISAF to remove the catamaran as a youth boat for 2009, and to remove the catamaran as an Olympic boat for 2012. These submissions by the RYA were made without any consultation with the sailing community. We request that the submissions are withdrawn before the ISAF conference in early November and replaced by alternative submissions which support the use of catamarans both in future Olympics (2012 and beyond) and for youth training. Please send this petition to all of your sailing friends. [Edit - Just to clarify a point, the 2nd proposal doesn\'t include a catamaran as an Olympic class, rather than specifically excluding it.] Links to the submissions by the RYA are below: http://www2.sailing.org/meetings/2007november/papers/Sub_129.pdf http://www2.sailing.org/meetings/2007november/papers/Sub_103.pdf