Chester Linear Park

I believe that the proposed design speed of 50MPH and the proposed posted speed of 45MPH is too high for this section and for the Village of Chester. The proposed typical section is too wide at 87 feet. This design encourages speeds in excess of 45MPH. In addition, it leaves no room for the linear park. I would like to see: 1. A world-class linear park that eventually connects to the Appomattox River Trail System and becomes a hallmark corridor for the East Coast Greenway. 2. A permanent conservation easement on the new linear park property. 3. A design speed of 35MPH through this section of Chester with a maximum posted speed limit of 30MPH. A lower design speed is safer for all users, provides more capacity, and reduces the need for shoulders or additional lanes for turning traffic. 4. Speed control measures along this long, straight corridor that include 10 foot travel lanes, regular pedestrian crossings, landscaping, and roundabouts. 5. The total typical section width of the proposed roadway reduced to 68 feet or lower with an offset alignment that maximizes the buffer to the linear park 6. Roundabouts used at the intersections of Chester Road, Ecoff Road, and Branders Bridge Road. This form of intersection is safer and has less delay than traffic signals and they are appropriate for the Village of Chester.