This petition is to make certain that the celebutant Paris Hilton is held accountable for driving on suspended license while on probation. She was caught, signed a waiver about her actions and now claim innocence. It\'s a crime to allow her to walk away after all of her actions. It is a crime to allow celebrity as an all access pass to do whatever you please, whenever you want. Paris Hilton has a responsibility to American public and allowing her to walk away from her crimes, we are telling American culture, moreover TEEN AMERICAN CULTURE, that driving while intoxicated, driving while on suspended license would carry no consequences, that laws are not something that we should concern ourselves with. Laws are not trivial things to be tossed aside when they don\'t suit our needs for that day. Paris\'s lack of social awareness and concern over the consequences of the law should allow her to become a symbol of what happens when celebrity breaks the law. Hilton serving time in jail will offer more to the general youth of America than most effort by organized social networks like M.A.D.D.. We the undersigned, implore you, Gov. Schwarzenegger, to dismiss the petition to allow Paris Hilton to be pardoned for her actions.