A Call to Leaders to End Global Terrorism

Dear Global Leaders, The purpose of the Mumbai attacks was to threaten our sense of freedom and unity. We want to show our solidarity in refusing to allow these attacks to turn our communities against each other in hatred and conflict. We will not allow terrorism and its supporters to succeed. Radical extremists will fail in their mission to divide us. Our community has zero tolerance for terrorist activities and we will work together against terror until it is history. We call on you, our leaders to support our position. We are dedicated to making you aware today so we can create a tomorrow free of terrorism. It is the right time to end terrorism and your leadership is important to this step. We remain united as a community in our love and support to each other, determined to work together against terror. It's time for us to speak out and its time for our leaders to join us along side people and leaders across the globe in a pledge for unity against all terrorist support and activity. Terrorists will not divide us, together we will divide them and united we shall prevail. It is the right time to end terrorism and we urge you to take serious measures to prevent further attacks on citizens of the world. Sincerely,