Petition for the Media to Publicise Indonesia Burnings

This Petition is designed to draw media attention to the atrocities going on in Indonesia right now, and is seemingly being ignored by the mainstream media. 5000km square of the Earth is currently on fire, and nothing is being said about it.
The fires are destroying treasures as precious and irreplaceable as the archaeological remains being levelled by Isis. Orangutans, clouded leopards, sun bears, gibbons, the Sumatran rhinoceros and Sumatran tiger, these are among the threatened species being driven from much of their range by the flames. But there are thousands, perhaps millions, more.
Why is this happening? Indonesia’s forests have been fragmented for decades by timber and farming companies. Canals have been cut through the peat to drain and dry it. Plantation companies move in to destroy what remains of the forest to plant monocultures of pulpwood, timber and palm oil. The easiest way to clear the land is to torch it. Every year, this causes disasters. But in an extreme El Niño year like this one, we have a perfect formula for environmental catastrophe.
At a time when we are literally discussing climate change in Paris and have a hellfire of a country as an example of why we need to do something about it, this should be making top headlines. Let's get it there.
A large portion of the earth is burning. Let's fight for it.
We are using the hashtag #burnsilence to try and spread the issue further