Rotinonhsonnion:we International Petition

ROTINONHSONNION:WE INTERNATIONAL PETITION TO: MME. MICHAELLE JEAN, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA info@gg.ca And MR. GEORGE BUSH, PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES comments@whitehouse.gov FROM: THE ROTINONHSONNION:WE/SIX NATIONS CONFEDERACY, OUR FRIENDS, ALLIES AND SUPPORTERS REGARDING: THE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF OUR INDIGENOUS LAND ON TURTLE ISLAND NORTH WE OBJECT TO: 1. THE INVASION AND OCCUPATION OF TURTLE ISLAND NORTH BY COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR CORPORATE ENTITIES; 2. THEIR VIOLATION OF THE NATURAL RIGHTEOUSNESS EMBODIED IN THE KIANEREHKOWA, OUR GREAT LAW OF PEACE; AND THEIR ONGOING AGGRESSION AGAINST NATURE; 3. THE VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAWS; AND 4. THE CRIMINALIZATION OF OUR PEOPLE WHO PROTECT OUR LAWS, LANDS AND PEOPLE. DATE: November 16, 2006 WHEREAS, UN Resolution 1514 affirmed independence of Indigenous people and that colonial practices violate international law. UNTS 1021 condemns colonial states that force assimilation policies on us which constitutes genocide. [The Mabo case in Australia]; WHEREAS, the Noongar Aborigines of Australia were affirmed on September 21, 2006, as holding title to Western Australia in Bennell v. State of Western Australia, by proving they continue to exist and are still part of the land. WHEREAS the UN Charter requires that its members cannot use armed force to resolve international differences. WHEREAS these colonial states must respect the political rights of the People as set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; WHEREAS General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) requires the informed consent of a people before they are included in another state [Western Sahara case]; WHEREAS the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination found on March 6, 2006 that the United States was denying the Western Shoshone people