Jeffrey Campagna 0

Expand the Civil Rights Act to Protect LGBT Rights

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Objective: Expand the Civil Rights Act to declare it the public policy of the United States that discrimination based on LGBT status is prohibited. Target: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, United States House of Representatives Delivery Date: June 1, 2009, the first day of the 40th annual Gay Pride Month Copy to: Majority Leader Harry Reid, United States Senate Brian Bond, LGBT Liason to President Barack Obama Dear Speaker Pelosi: We the undersigned call on you and your colleagues to mark this 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and the start of the gay liberation movement by passing legislation to expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to declare it the public policy of the United States that discrimination based on LGBT status is prohibited. For forty years, the LGBT movement has asserted the simple idea that LGBT rights are civil rights. For forty years we have been told to wait our turn and not to rock the boat. But with the election of 2008, we sent a clear message to Washington. Now is our time. As Michelle Obama said on Gay Pride Day last year, "We are all only here because of those who marched and bled and died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the pursuit of a more perfect union." We stand united in that struggle and will not accept any effort to roll back the protections of the Civil Rights Act. But we must insist that they be expanded in order for the Act to truly live up to its name. Because you represent Harvey Milk's district, the Castro neighborhood of San Francisco, the nexus of the LGBT community on the West Coast, you have a special role to play in defending and protecting the civil rights of LGBT people everywhere. We hope that you will fulfill that role by passing this legislation. And to those who say we can't have equal rights now, we say "Yes we can!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: When you submit your signature you will be taken to a donation screen. These donations do not go to The Power. They go to ipetitions. You can skip this screen just by hitting next.


THE POWER is an ongoing effort begun on Facebook, to organize for LGBT equality in New York, where we orignated, and elsewhere, developing relationships,tools,and resources to empower the general public to become less dependent on professional advocates and more active participants in the fight ahead. See links about our past actions and this petition below. Find us on the web at


The Power on the web: The Power on Facebook: The Power profiled in The New York Blade: Previous LGBT actions by The Power: New York Daily News article about The Power's predecessor group:
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