To: The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger & the California Court of Appeals In response to the online petition titled \"Free Paris,\" this petition has been started to request that you do the opposite, that you hold Ms. Hilton accountable for her illegal actions and that you require her to fulfill her obligation to society by making her serve her time. After reading the aforementioned petition I have to point out that the author makes no logical points in Ms. Hilton\'s favor. Her status in American culture is irrelevant as Ms. Hilton does nothing of substance to give back to any community. She is not, nor should she ever be considered a role model. And her \"celebrity\" does not make her immune to the laws of this country. She is required, as we all are, to live lawfully. The references to other celebrities and their legal matters are also irrelevant. His own statement: \"Nick Nolte, Mel Gibson, Tracy Morgan, Wynonna Judd, to name a few, were arrested and never did a day in jail after their initial arrests for drunk driving /DUI /DWI charges.\" is completely accurate however he has forgotten that Ms. Hilton\'s original DUI charge did not result in any jail time for her. She was shown leniency and was only required to not violate the law for the term of her probation. She did not do this, she violated the terms of her probation not once but several times. She blatantly disregarded the terms that were clearly outlined for her by the court, the office of probation, and the police who stopped, cited, and made her sign a document acknowledging that she was not allowed to drive. And even after signing said document, she violated her probation again, resulting in her hearing and her sentence of 45 days. She also neglected, or chose not to enroll in the alcohol program that was also ordered by the judge. Which is yet another violation of her probation. With all of the above facts presented in court, I find it laughable that Ms. Hilton and her \"people\" are outraged and feel this sentence is unfair. I would like to know how they feel a person who blithly and continually breaks the law, a person who makes a mockery of our legal system by ignoring court orders should be dealt with. Personally, I don\'t think 45 days is enough. No one should be allowed to disobey the orders of the court and no one is above the rulings of any judge. Ms. Hilton\'s actions prove that she does not feel she is required to follow the law and that she does not have to be accountable when she commits illegal acts. This makes her a criminal and as such, she belongs in jail. The undersigned, myself included, request that you uphold Judge Sauer\'s sentence in the fairness of justice and that you not show Ms. Hilton any favortism by pardoning her sentence. Please show our citizens that our legal system cannot be swayed by money or fame and that we should all be viewed and treated the same when we enter any court of law. Thank you, Ms. Fraxie Apis