Make the District of Mission an Idle-Free Zone
Vehicle idling creates local air pollution, wastes valuable resources and money and produces Greenhouse Gas emissions which contribute to global warming and climate change.
Idling for more than 30 seconds uses more fuel and is harder on the engine than turning off the engine and restarting.
If you are a resident of Mission, BC, would like to reduce the amount of vehicle idling in our community and have not already signed this petition at a Be The Change Action Circle event, please sign this petition to the District Council:
Given that one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to reduce a community's carbon emissions is to reduce the amount of vehicle idling in the community, we, the undersigned request that the District of Mission designate the District as an Idle-Free Zone and implement an Anti-Idling bylaw.
Your name and residential address will form part of the public record and may be subject to release.
Initiated by the Be The Change Action Circle in Mission.