Stop the Economic Insanity

Whereas in fiscal 2007 the federal government collected 1.125 trillion dollars from individual income taxes and Whereas in fiscal 2007 the federal government collected .875 trillion dollars in payroll taxes (social security/medicare) and Whereas in fiscal 2007 the federal government collected .375 trillion dollars in corporate income tax and Whereas the federal government is proposing to spend more than 1 trillion dollars in bailouts and "stimulus" spending and Whereas we the undersigned believe that each citizen knows better how and where to spend our money than the federal government, we hereby petition the United States Congress and the President of the United States to enact a tax holiday for 2009 and 2010 that grants the following: Reduce individual income tax by 50% at all levels for two years and Reduce the payroll tax by 50% for all workers and employers for two years and Reduce the corporate income tax by 50% for all corporations for two years. We believe that the ability of individuals and corporations to spend the trillion dollar tax savings will serve the purpose of stimulating the economy and providing individuals, states and corporations the ability to grow and use the money for better purposes than the federal government.