Save the Shark - STOP Shark Finning!

Every year millions of sharks are made to die a slow, painful death because of finning... the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark's fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea where they slowly and helplessly die. They starve to death, are eaten alive by other fish, or drown - as they need to keep constantly moving for their gills to extract oxygen from the water. These shark fins go to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, considered by some as a "delicacy". Besides being a violent, barbaric practice, the indiscriminate killing has pushed many species to the brink of extinction. Since the 1970s, the populations of several species have been decimated by over 95%. "Save the Shark - STOP Shark Finning" is a campaign to make people aware of this practice and to get as many people as possible to make a promise Never To Eat Shark Fin Soup or other Shark Fin products! While other big organizations are moving at national levels to outlaw this inhumane practice, we at our level, can assist them by promising NEVER to eat or use shark fin products. Spread the word by sending this PLEDGE to your friends and to as many people as possible... ...when the demand declines, the supply will also subsequently decline! If you care about the fate of sharks - who have been around since the time of the dinosaurs - TAKE ACTION NOW! Say "I PLEDGE to never ever eat or use any product made of Shark Fin" and then click the SIGN button below.