Say NO! to overbuilding in Aruba.

Say NO! to the endangerment of the unspoiled nature of Aruba by the construction plans for a hotel near Arashi. Stimaruba is up in arms against hotel construction Stimaruba says that the unspoiled nature of Aruba is going to be endangered by the construction plans for a hotel near Arashi. ORANJESTAD -- Stimaruba, the organization that devotes herself to nature conservation and nature protection, reacted very concerned on the reports about the plans for the build of a hotel near Arashi. The organization points out a publication in February 2006 of Coastal Zone Management, in which is clearly indicated that the area is reserved for recreation. Stimaruba is of the opinion that there are too many hotels in Aruba already. From the plans it appears that there is no end to the build of hotels and condominiums and that is according to Stimaruba, a disappointment for the tourists that come to Aruba to rest and expect good service. That