Recall for GA US Senators Chambliss and Isakson

This petition is to recall GA Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson from the U.S Senate. They were voted into office and sent to Washington to serve the interests of Georgia\'s legal citizens. They have betrayed that trust by selling us out in the current immigration reform bill. This Senate immigration bill (S. 1348) is sponsored by Senators Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and President Bush supports this grand amnesty compromise as well. We oppose it for the following reasons: 1. It does not secure our borders. That is America\'s first priority. Almost 6 years after 9/11 our southern border is still undefended and we are being invaded by illegals aliens and terrorists. How many Americans must die because the President and the US Congress do not have the will to defend our own borders 2. This compromise is a thinly veiled attempt to grant amnesty and permanent residency to the 12 to 20 million illegals already here. This will open up the floodgates for an easy path to citizenship for 10 to 50 million over the next 10-15 years. It will permanently destroy the unique cultural fabric of America. 3. It is not fair to the people who have waited for many years to become legal US Citizens. This bill puts illegals at the head of the line and rewards them for breaking the law. It will encourage more illegal behavior. This bad compromised legislation is not a substitute for good laws. This is a government that lacks the will to enforce our current immigration laws. How can we believe that you will be able to enforce this new immigration bill, as bad as it is We demand that you enforce all current laws regarding immigration. We demand that you be recalled for selling out and going against the best interests and will of the legal citizens of Georgia in voting for the Senate immigration bill (S. 1348).