Petition to Recall President Barack Hussein Obama
PETITION FOR RECALL TO THE HONORABLE Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Secretary of State. We the undersigned registered and qualified electors of the United States of America, respectfully state that we seek the recall and removal of Barack Hussein Obama, holding the office of President of the United States, in The District of Columbia, USA. We demand an election of a successor to that office. President of the United States. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE RECALL PETITION TO THE HONORABLE Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America: The undersigned registered qualified voters of the United States of America, hereby give notice that we are the proponents of a recall petition and that we intend to seek your recall and removal from the office of the President, United States of America, and to demand election of a successor in that office. The grounds for the recall are as follows: President Barack Hussein Obama has destroyed American jobs and opportunity, worsened state finances, and raised taxes on struggling Americans. The PRESIDENT WORSENED STATE FINANCES BY MASSIVELY INCREASING STATE SPENDING. The President promised to reduce Federal spending and reform Federal government. Instead, he increased spending by over 100 percent, benefiting public sector unions and special interests, at the expense of taxpayers. THE PRESIDENT RAISED TAXES ON STRUGGLING AMERICANS. Americans are struggling in the face of job cuts, pay cuts, and retirement losses. Federal workers enjoy job security, pay increases, and generous pensions. In order to pay these special interests, the President passed the largest tax increase in U.S. history, with Cap & Trade – on struggling Americans who already pay the highest income and sales taxes in the world. THE PRESIDENT DESTROYED AMERICAN JOBS AND OPPORTUNITY. Businesses will flee the Country because costly and burdensome Federal laws are driving jobs to other nations. The President promised to help encourage job creation by reducing costly regulation. Instead, he passed more job-killing mandates that are destroying American jobs and opportunity. President Barack Hussein Obama must be held accountable for worsening the lives of American taxpayers, voters, and families. To contact proponents: Jennifer M. Cato, PO Box 220, Inwood, WV, 25428-0220, Cel: (304) 820-8342. Each of the undersigned states for himself/herself that he or she is a registered and qualified elector of the United States of America.