Rahm Emanuel Must Resign!

Rahm Emanuel has acted disgracefully, and possibly illegally regarding an alleged scheme to sell off the U.S. Senate seat of President Elect Barack Obama. And now he is embroiled in yet another controversy surrounding the Obama administration and allegations that Rahm Emmanuel violated congressional ethics rules regarding the rent-free living arrangement he enjoyed with Rep. Rosa De Lauro (D-Conn.) Some tax experts allege that this also amounted to $100,000 in taxable income that Emanuel failed to report, just as many other Obama administration aides and nominees failed to report or pay taxes on their income. Emanuel engaged in questionable discussions with impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich who is alleged to have been trying to auction off Obama's seat to the highest bidder. Emanuel first discussed Obama's preference of who should be appointed and then went further and submitted a list of candidates acceptable to Obama. These facts reveal that Obama and Emanuel lied when they assured the public that, Obama would have a "hands off" approach to the Illinois governor's selection of who would replace Obama in the U.S. Senate. Our government is supposed to serve the people, it is not supposed to be an institution where the politically corrupt and powerful engage in unethical conduct to further cement their political power. It's time for Rahm Emanuel to resign, and if prosecutors should find substantial evidence of wrongdoing, then for him to also face prosecution for any acts of criminal wrongdoing he may have engaged in.