Mick Ronson - Hall of Fame
Colin Blades Donegal 0

Mick Ronson - Hall of Fame

4382 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Colin Blades Donegal 0 Comments
4382 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The Official Mick Ronson - Hall of Fame Campaign

In 2010 David Bowie wrote a personal letter to the Hall of Fame on behalf of this campaign recommending his dear friend for induction into the Hall of Fame.

The campaign has been running since May 2008, the aim is to have Mick Ronson inducted into the "Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame", Cleveland, Ohio in appreciation of his contribution to music, as a brilliant guitarist, a writer of brilliant arrangements ('Perfect Day' being a prime example) a skilled producer (Morrisseys 'Your Arsenal' etc) and for being the absolute sideman to Bowie, Dylan, Van Morrison, Lou Reed, Ian Hunter, John Cale, T-Bone Burnett, etc etc, the list reads like a who's who of Modern music.

It is the 'Musical Excellence' category (previously known as 'Sideman') within the HOF which I am aiming to have Mick inducted.

The only official Mick Ronson Rock 'n' Roll Hall Of Fame campaign and in conjunction with Suzi Ronson and the Mick Ronson Estate.


IMPORTANT NOTICE - When signing the petition you may be asked to make a voluntary donation - but please note - the donation is for THE UPKEEP OF IPETITION'S WEBSITE and has nothing to do with the campaign, the campaign does not receive, nor has ever asked for, any funding, the important bit is that THE PETITION IS FREE TO SIGN


Colin Blades


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