Support Religious Freedom in Oklahoma!

The Honorable Roger Ballenger Oklahoma State Senate 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 528A Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Dear Senator Ballenger: I am writing to express grave concern about the passage of a bill (HB 1645) in the Oklahoma House of Representatives that aims to “strictly prohibit” individuals from wearing “head scarves” and “head garments” in driver’s license photographs. Please take a stand for civil rights and religious freedom and urge your colleagues in the Oklahoma State Senate to reject this dangerous piece of legislation. Because the proposed law forbids all headcoverings, the religious rights of observant Sikhs who wear religiously-mandated dastaars (Sikh turbans) are in jeopardy. Observant Jews, Muslims, and Christians are also affected, as are other individuals who are required to wear religious headcoverings. If this bill becomes law, people of faith throughout your state will suffer, and Oklahoma will develop a national reputation for being one of the most regressive and un-American states in the United States.