Rochdale against Sex and Relationship Education

The Rochdale Muslim community is planning to challenge the Sex and Relationship education which is set to be delivered to Primary School children as young as five years old. SRE LESSONS We believe the teaching of SRE in schools is inappropriate, both in terms of the philosophy which underpins the way it is approached as well as the resources used. There is a misguided belief that children will engage in sexual relations, all of the solutions look at making this behaviour safe rather than challenging the lack of values which make this behaviour acceptable. Children do not need information, they need to be taught what is right and wrong. They need to be shown and taught what the boundaries of acceptable behaviour are. ISLAM DISCUSSES SEX EDUCATION Sex Education, although considered a taboo subject in may communities, is discussed in detail in Islam. However, this is not restricted to just descriptions of Physical activity but surrounded by values like modesty (hayaa), lowering of gazes between sexes, views on when and where freemixing can take place and a whole host of laws that regulate the social life of men and women. A CASE OF VALUES Clear values need to underpin how we bring up our children. Therefore this is not the realm of teachers that may not share the same values, it is the important role of parents. SIGN THE PETITION TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TO REMOVE SUCH SUBJECTS TO BE TAUGHT TO FIVE YEAR OLD CHILDREN Keep posted on www.majedsblog.wordpress.com