Save Jessica Aguirre\'s Job at ABC 7

On behalf of Centro Legal de la Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, Equal Justice Society, Anew America, and Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights, we write to ask your support in saving Jessica Aguirres position as an Anchor for KGO/ABC 7. Mrs. Aguirre is the only Latina Anchor at KGO/ABC 7 Bay Area and they are ending her contract by the end of 2007! During such perilous times for immigrant and low-income communities, we need, more than ever before, accurate coverage from an Anchor who is part of our community. Join the thousands of businesses, organizations, politicians and community members who are signing this petition insisting on the renewal of Mrs. Aguirres contract. Jessica Aguirre, an Emmy award winner for her work on child molestation and the struggles of migrant workers, has been with KGO/ABC 7 since 1998. She started as a weekend Anchor and then was promoted to her current position as Anchor for the 6 pm and 11 pm news. The 6 pm newcast is currently rated #1 in the Bay Area! Mrs. Aguirre is highly respected in the community and has received numerous awards for her work. Up until now, Jessica Aguirre has received nothing but praise from ABC and was told that she was the future of the station. Insiders report that she is being terminated because she does not appeal to the viewers they value; viewers they dub as innovators, highly educated, affluent, and hi-tech. Ironically, this month Jessica Aguirre will receive the Silicon Valley Woman of the Year award. Jessica Aguirre has a track record of commitment to the Latino community and now it is time we show our commitment to her! Join Centro Legal de la Raza in helping to reinstate Jessica Aguirre as a KGO/ABC 7 Anchor. Spread the word and together we will preserve a place for this important Latina role model. For more information, contact Lorena Garcia at Centro Legal at 510-437-1554, ext. 111 or lorenagarcia@centrolegal.org. Siempre Adelante, Patricia P. Loya Executive Director