Scotsport change

\'\'I am, from the outset, campaigning for a change in STV programming which will see "SCOTSPORT" on at an earlier time - in an additional time slot to the present Monday-night timing or perhaps in place of. This is so our younger and, incidentally, next generation of players can see their home-based players so as they can say \'I want to be like Naismith, Russell Anderson or Alan Gow\'\' as well as saying they want to be a Premiership player or like \'Ronaldinho\'\' in the Spanish League as that childhood saying of \'\'I\'m him or him\'\' is special and shouldn\'t be lost just because of timeslot scheduling or contractual arguments. Meanwhile, I acknowledge that for Children it is important to have exercise and to eat well and sensibly but the Television is a learning tool also. A time slot of around 11pm on a Monday night (I respect and understand the contractual fact of how Setanta has exclusive SPL footage until the Monday), I believe, is too late for most young people of around 16 years or less. I have mentioned Setanta and I think that they are doing a good job in their broadcasting but this is about how Terrestrial Television treats and helps the national/Scottish audience. However, it does need to be noted that some families with young children, who are learning to play football through \'Soccer Sevens\' as well as through their teenage development, may not be able to afford digital television, never mind Setanta Sports To conclude, my suggestion is that \'\'SCOTSPORT\'\' be put on at an earlier time so our younger generations have much more scope to watch Scottish football. Please sign my petition..... Signed, Robert Ryan