To improve the health of men in Europe

THE VIENNA DECLARATION ON THE HEALTH OF MEN AND BOYS IN EUROPE I/We assert that in order to improve public health and prevent disease, there is an urgent need to take specific action to address men\'s health. In particular, all men must have the opportunity to: - Achieve the highest possible level of health and well-being. - Access equitable and affordable healthcare services. - Receive health advice and information appropriate to their experience and concerns. Men\'s use of health services and health information is generally poor across Europe. The delivery of healthcare and information is often not appropriate for men. There is a lack of investment and research in men\'s health. Men\'s life expectancy is unnecessarily low across Europe. Death rates from preventable causes at all ages are unacceptably high. Furthermore, there are significant and avoidable inequalities between countries. Poor health and premature death in men also affect their families and are an unnecessary burden on health services and the wider economy. These problems require responses that take account of the specific needs of men. We therefore call on the EU, national governments, providers of health services and other relevant bodies to: - Recognise men\'s health as a distinct and important issue - Develop a better understanding of men\'s attitudes to health - Invest in \'male sensitive\' approaches to providing healthcare - Initiate work on health for boys and young men in school and community settings - Develop co-ordinated health and social policies that promote men\'s health.