Support the Winery at St. George - Mohegan Lake NY
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

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Please sign the petition below to show your support for The Winery at St. George. Located in Mohegan Lake NY, The winery at St. George will be the only winery in Westchester County. The Town Board of Yorktown has used every means possible to prevent the Winery from opening. As a result, The Winery filed a $30M Federal Lawsuit against the town and some of its officials. Most residents of Yorktown are eagerly awaiting the Winery to open. Please join the 1200+ existing supporters by signing the petition below. For more information on Lawsuit and the Winery, Please review the website link below. www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com
The Winery at St. George http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com
North County News http://www.northcountynews.com
Citizens for an informed Yorktown http://www.citizensforaninformedyorktown.org
Yorktown Chamber of Commerce http://www.yorktownchamber.org/
Yorktown Rotary Club http://www.yorktownrotary.org
Hilltop Hanover Farm http://www.hilltophanoverfarm.org/
The Journal News http://www.lohud.com