A Call to Prayer

Shady Acres Baptist Church
Pastor Danny L. Farley
Dear Brethren,
2 Chronicles 7:14 "lf my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land "
This is a call to every believing, praying, American Christian. We live in desperate times in America which ultimately threatens the abilities of the local church to fulfill the will of God and have the freedom to worship.
Our ability to continue to send missionaries to foreign countries and publish the Gospel in America will be greatly affected if we as God's people sit back and do nothing. There is a growing threat of financial collapse, war on American soil, and our loss of freedom of speech.
When God's judgment was about to fall on Nineveh, what did that nation do? They fasted and prayed. God heard their cry and saved the people. Where prayer is focused, power falls.
It is God's will that we continue to send missionaries and preach the Gospel in this country and around the world. God has used America in a mighty way, and we want Him to continue. We want God to hear from His people in America. We may be a remnant but we need to be able to continue to carry out the great commission and continue to worship God freely.
Will you unite with us in a week of prayer and fasting? God will hear our cry. He can bless His people in the midst of a declining nation.
We are attempting to unite at least 50,000 believers nationwide for a full 5 days of prayer and fasting for the cause of Christ on May the 11th - 16th.
Pastors, you could make this a nightly church event. The important thing is that we do it together for five days. Please contact every church in your area and ask your pastor friends to do the same. Use social media, letters, phone, text and other means to encourage others to join us as we seek God's face for our nation.
God Bless America!
Danny Farley
Shady Acres Baptist Church
7330 Vogel, Houston, TX 77088. P.O. Box 1478, Tomball, TX 77377 . 281-999-2040. Fax: 281-357-5292