A fair Drosselbo

DSR VIA, many students including me are not getting our deposit money from Drosselbo Yet. I have been seeing in different post that DSR Can do SOMETHING about this issue. If it is true, please take this as an official complain and do something.
If Drosselbo can't wait us one day for payment of rent, how come they make us wait for more than a month to get our deposit back. Moreover the students who have got their deposit back are getting only partial amount. In most cases the reason is over consumption ... in which there is no any transparent billing. If they say so they have to do the readings the day they do checkout and also give the readings when the students move in.
This is not funny, as this matter is getting more and more serious. It is already a fact that their contract from begining are not fair and student friendly, but even after leaving their house they are creating problems and giving bad impression of themselves.
So, please do something to make Drosselbo fair towards students. We need our deposit back and in fair amount.
Many students said that Drosselbo is making some stupid cause that they are out of money to pay the full and fair deposit. But it doesn't mean that we students have to bear the consequences of their poor business management.
Please take some action and help students. Afterall your job is also to help students, isn't it ??
Thanks !!