Abusing Victims of Rape is Unacceptable

This petition is to inform the churches who host occupiers that the people who have point person duties, Jason and Jeff, do not have the support of the housing working group. These two men have proclaimed themselves the leaders of the Occupy Wall Street Housing group, which houses Occupiers at WestPark Presbyterian Church (on Manhattan's Upper West Side) and Park Slope United Methodist Church. A female occupier was raped. She went to the hospital, had a rape kit done, and filed the police report. The hospital found semen, and they found out the woman had been drugged. The perpetrator was arrested. After he was release pending his trial, he decided he wanted to have Occupy Wall Street again. Jason and Jeff took it upon themselves to dismiss the concerns of other occupiers, particularly females. Its unacceptable that they would jeopardize other women this way. The housing group doesn't want either of these gentlemen to deal with the churches as point people, so any action or discussions they have with the churches should be considered illegitimate, non binding, and non representative of Occupy Wall Street. By so callously dismissing the feelings and concerns of a rape victim, these men have effectively abused her all over again. Please send a message to all concerned that abuse and dismissal of women is not to tolerated.