(Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
District : Raibareilly
Ravi Kant Khare, (Baba Ji) S/o Sri Rama Kant Khare, Journalist/Writer/Publisher and President of Sarva Hitkari Seva Sansthan (unfegistered Society of elite citizens, scholars, Advocates and Sriters), R/o D. S. – 13, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow – 226 020.
………. Ptitioner.
1. Union of India through its Secretary of Human Resources Ministry Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. Election Commission of India, through chairman, Election Commission of India, New Delhi.
3. State Election Commission, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
4. Smt. Sonia Gandhi alis Sania Malno of Turin, Italy W/o Late Sri Rajiv Roberto “Gandhi” President of National Congress Party, 10, Jan Path, New Delhi.
Hon’ble Jagdish Bhalla, J
Hon’ble B. B. Agarwal, J
Heard Sri Awadhesh Kumar learned counsel for the petitioner and Sri Siddharth Dhaon, learned counsel for the respondents.
There is a race to come in limelight by short cuts method and the present petition is one such example. Bye-election of parliamentary seat at Rai Bareli is almost at a fag end today. However, at this stage the petitioner has filed a writ petition challenging the nomination of opposite party no. 4 for contesting the election of Rai Bareli parliamentary seat. The petitioner has sought a writ in the nature of mandamus directing the respondent no. 2 to decide the matter relating to the disqualification of respondent no. 4 pertaining to her adherence and allegiance to the foreign State, namely, Italy. He had also prayed that Union of India be directed to produce the books namely “The Nehru Dynasty” written by Sri K. N. Rao, Reminiscences of “Nehru Age” written by his long time Private Secretary, Sri M. O. Mathai and the book written by his long time Private secretary, Sri M. O. Mathai and the book written by Sri Mohammad Yunus “Persons, Passion and Politics” for the perusal of the court to confirm the authenticity of the Article (Annexure no. 4 to the writ petition) published by the Hindu Writer’s Forum.
Not only it is a belated petition but the prayer no. 3 has got no relevance with the two others prayers sought for in the writ petition. The subject matter of the present petition is the bye-election of Raibareli Parliamentary seat where the voting has started today in the morning,
We would like to observe that under Article 329 (b) of the Constitution of India there is a specific prohibition against any challenge to an election either to the Houses of Parliament or to the Houses of Legislature of the State except by an election petition presented to such authority and in such manner as may be provided for in a law made by the appropriate legislature . The Parliament has by enacting the Representation of the People Act, 1951 provided for such a forum for questioning such elections hence, under Article 329 (b) no other than such forum constituted under the R. P. Act can entertain a complaint against any election.
In N. P. Ponuswami Versus Returning Officer Namakkal constituency, Namakkal and others [AIR 1952 (39) SC 64] (supra) the Hon’ble Surpreme Court held as under :-
“The law of elections in India does not contemplate that there should be two attacks on matters connected with election proceedings, one which they are going on by invoking the extraordinary jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution (the ordinary jurisdiction of the Courts having been expressly excluded)” and another after they have been completed by means of an election petition.”
The above view has been relied with approval by the subsequent judgement in M. S. Gill and another us. The Chief Election Commissioner [1978(1) SCC 405]. In Election Commission of India vs. Shivaji; AIR 1998 SC 61 the Hon’ble Supreme Court while considering a challenge to the election notifications while following the judgment in Ponnuswami’s case held that even if there was any ground relating to the non-compliance with the provisions of the act and constitution on which the validity of any election process could be question, the person interested in questioning the election has to wait till the election is over and institute a petition in accordance with Section 81 of the act calling in question the election of the successful candidate.
We may add that the question of citizenship of respondent no. 4 was also raised in Election Petition No. 1 of 1999; Hari Shanker Jain Vs. Smt. Sonia Gandhi but the same was dismissed by this Court vide judgment and order dated 20th May, 2000.
In view of the above proposition of law, the writ petition is hereby dismissed.
Though the parameters of public interest litigation have been settled by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in catena of cases even then the courts are flooded with a large number of so-called public interest litigations wasting valuable judicial time, which could be otherwise utilized for disposal of genuine cases.
It is a fit case in which we would have imposed exemplary cost but taking note of the fact that the petitioner has become “Babaji” we are not imposing any cost.
Irfan s.d./ Jagdish Bhalla, J
S.d/ B. B. Agarwal, J
At the very beginning of his book, “The Nehru Dynasty”, astrologer K. N. Rao mentions the names of Jawahar Lal’s father and grandfather. Jawahar Lal’s father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal’s father was one Gangadhar Nehru. And we all know that Jawahar Lal’s only daughter was Indira Priyadarshini Nehru, Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in
Bench at Luck now
Civil Misc. writ Petition No. 2908 of 2005
( Under Article 226 0f the Constitution Of India
District- Raibarelly
Ravi Kant Khare, (Baba Ji) S/O Sri Rama kant Khare, Journalist/ Writer/Publisher and President of Sarva Hitkari seva Sansthan,(unregistered Society of elite citizens, scholars, Advocates and Writers)., R/O D.S.- 13, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow- 226020 ----Petitioner
1. Union of India through its Secretary of Human Resources Ministry,
Govt. Of India, New Delhi.
2. Election Commission of India, through chairman, Election
commission of India, New Delhi
3. State Election Commission, Uttar Pradesh, Luck now
4. Smt. Sonia Gandhi alias Sania Maino of Turin, Italy W/O Late Sri Rajiv Roberto “Gandhi” President of National Congress Party, 10,Jan Path, New Delhi
The Hon’ble Chief Justice and his Lordship’s other companion Judges.
The humble application of the applicant submit as under:-
1. That this petition is filed as public Interest litigation as the petitioner’s organization, which is rendering their service to the downtrodden people after collecting the data’s useful to the fellow citizens as being submitted in this petition from the contribution given by the number of the advocates, elite class of citizens, who wants to save the nation, but on account of fear from the people ruling this Nation, including of the fear of the “yes men” of respondent no. 4, these person or others do not want take the risk of their life, nor they are interested to take undue advantages of any type of popularity. The true copy of the book published by the petitioner relating to his Publications are filed herewith and marked as ANNEXURE NO. 1 to 3 to this Writ petition.
2. That thus the present public Interest Petition is maintainable according to the different yard sticks imposed by the Apex Court in various recent and past Decision.
3. That the petitioner is the representatives of Unregistered Social organizations, meant for rendering their services and are also the senior citizen, retired as the Sale Tax Officer by having their creditability of being honored by different organizations for his forceful writing benevolent to the citizens and are also beneficial to the citizens of India in individual capacities. He is having his desire to protect the integrity, unity and solidarity of our Nation from the inefficacious designed to rule our country from the instructions of the alien power as the respondent no. 4 is having the adherence to the foreign State namely the Italy and is Christian by religion.
4. That the petitioners seek direction, for the purposes of enlightenment of the people casting the vote in favour of right candidate contesting the election to the respondent no. 1 to provide him the information contained in the following books for the purposes of enlightenment to the voters of Amethi constituency participating in the election scheduled to be held on 8th may of 2006. The name of the books and the writers thereof are “The Nehru Dynasty”, Written by Astrologer K. N. Rao, “Reminiscences of the Nehru Age” written by Sri M. O. Mathai (a longtime private secretary, of Jawaharlal Nehru) in his renowned (but now suppressed by the GOI) and Mohammad Yunus book, ‘Persons, Passions & Polities’. The true copy of the book published by Hindu Writers Forum relating to the Extracts of all these prohibited Publications is filed herewith and marked as ANNEXURE NO. 4 to this Writ petition.
5. Why the extract of this book are prohibited for being known to general public, who has right of Information Guarantee under Article 19(1) (a) of the constitution of India and Under the Provision of Right of Information Act, 2002?
6. That the reason for the purposes of demand of these books on cost to the public is that the politicians in the conspiracy have deceived the people of India, who is now called as the Father of the Nation, in connivance with Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, the First prime minister of India. As the part of conspiracy to rule our nation and thereby have the extinction of the Hindu Religion for ever by getting the partition of our country on Geographical basis and not on the basis of the reasons of religious fanatics, on which the country was divided in two parts as it may hamper the progress and the hatred be perpetuated which may not provide the growth to the Nation as super power of the world.
“The Nehru Dynasty”, astrologer K. N. Rao mentions the names of Jawahar Lal’s father and grandfather. Jawahar Lal’s father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal’s father was one Gangadhar Nehru.
sri Jawaharlal Nehru’s grand-father belong to Kaul Clan of Kasmir. Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah hails from their ancestors whose Grand Father was Bal Mukund Kaul.
That Jawahar Lal’s only daughter was Indira Priyadarshini Nehru, Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland of tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira’s proposed marriage with Feroze Khan, Why? No one tells us now, who is this Feroze Khan?
One frequently hears that Rajeev/Rajiv Gandhi’s grandfather was Pandit Nehru. But then we all know that everyone has two grandfathers, the paternal and the material grandfather. In fact, the paternal grandfather is deemed to be the more important grandfather in most societies. Why is it then nowhere we find Rajiv Gandhi’s paternal grandfather’s name?
It appears that the reason is simply this Rajiv Gandhi’s paternal grandfather was a Muslim gentleman from the Junagadh area of Gujrat. This Muslim grocer by the name of Nawab Khan, the grocer who supplied wines etc. to Anand Bhavan, had married a Parsi woman after converting her to Islam.
This is the source where from the myth of Rajiv being a Parsi was derived. Rajiv’s father Feroze was Feroze Khan before he married Indira, against Kamala Nehru’s wishes. Feroze mother’s family name was Ghandy, often associated with Parsis and this was changed to Gandhi, sometime before his wedding with Indira by an affidavit.
Indira Gandhi was Chased out of the Shanti Niketan University by Guru Dev Rabindranath himself for misdemeanor, She was an isolated girl by herself, while father Jawaharlal was busy with polities, pretty women and illicit sex; the mother was in hospital. Feroze Khan, the grocer’s son was then in England and he was quite sympathetic to Indira and soon enough she changed her religion, became a Muslim women and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque.
Indira Gandhi name was also changed as Smt. Maimuna Begam after the marriage with Firoj Khan?
The news of this married eventually reached Mohandas Karan Chand Gandhi. Gandhi ji urgently called Nehru and practically ordered him to ask the young man to change his name from Khan to Gandhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion, from Islam to Hindustan for instance. It was just a case of a change of name by an affidavit.
And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi. The surprising thing is that the apostle of truth, the old man soon to be declared India’s Mahatma and the ‘Father of the Nation’ didn’t mention this game of his in the famous book. ‘My Experiments with Truth’ Why?
When they returned to India, a mock ‘Vedic marriage’ was instituted for public consumption. On the subject, writes M. O. Mathai (a longtime private secretary of Nehru) in his renowned (but now suppressed by the GOI) ‘Reminiscences of the Nehru Age’ on page no. 94, second paragraph: “For some inexplicable reason, Nehru allowed the marriage to be performed according to Vedic rite in 1942. An inter-religious and inter-caste marriage Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law. To be legal, it had to be a civil marriage. It’s a known fact that after Rajiv’s birth Indira and Feroze lived separately, but they were not divorced. Feroze used to harass Nehru frequently for money and also interfere in Nehru’s political activities. Nehru got fed up and left instructions not to allow him into the Prime Minister’s residence Tri-Murthi Bhavan?
Why does the death of Feroze Gandhi in 1960, when he was consolidating to make his own political set up remained the Mystery?
Feroze had even planned to remarry.
Those who try to keep tabs on our lenders in spite of all the suppressions and deliberate misinformation are aware of the fact that the second son Indira (or Mrs. Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was not the son of Feroze. He was the son of another Moslem gentleman, Mohammad Yunus. Here in passing, we might that the second son was originally named Sanjeev. It rhymed with Rajiv, the elder brother’s name.
Nehru was no less a player in producing bastards. M. O. Mathai very graphically describes at least one case in his “Reminiscences of the Nehru Age” page 206. Muthai writes: “In the autumn of 1948 ( India became free in 1947 and a great deal of work needed to be done) a young woman from Banaras arrived in New Delhi as a sanyasin named Shraddha Mata ( an assumed and not a real name). She was a Sanskrit Scholar well versed in the ancient Indian scriptur