protest against battlefield 3

The Battlefield 3 promoters have coincidentally released and introduced this game exactly when America is campaigning to demolish Iran’s reputation as a peaceful nation and to induce fear into the heart of people elsewhere against Iran. Of course, we fully comprehended that this game is created for fun purposes only and is just a game. Our complaint is of a different nature. In today’s current political and social climate, using a video game to portray us, the Iranian nation, as terrorists does very little to help the rest of the world to see us in anything other than negative light and also to prevent the nations worldwide in being united to promote world peace. It is likely the violent nature of the game, packed with colourful and detailed scenes to be the main focusing point of understanding of what Iran or Iranians alike are which can not be further from the truth. The US is manipulating the media throughout the world and is influencing the public’s perception of Iran. Battlefield 3 paints a negative, brutal and unrealistic picture of what our country truly is. We hereby would like to formally request a written apology to acknowledge our displeasure in the way our country and people have been represented as well as a formal statement to the gaming industry audience, stating that this game is not in any shape or form a representative of our civilised and modern culture and has been made purely for entertainment purposes.