In Memory of Air France 447 Passengers

In memory of Fouad Haddou, Rajae Tazi Moukha and Ahmed Faouzi, the 3 Moroccan Citizens and all the other passengers on board AF 447 Flight. On June 1st, 2009, Air France Flight 447 left Rio de Janeiro heading to Paris-Charles de Gaulle carrying 216 passengers and 12 crew members. The plane crashed over the atlantic ocean. All passengers died. Tribute to Air France victims of flight Air France Flight 447 The plane carried 261 passengers including 3 Moroccans. In many different traditions lighting candles is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. Light a candle to honor the victimes and leave your message of condolescence to the families. Hommage aux victimes du vol Air France 447 L'avion transportait 216 passagers dont 3 marocain. Dans de nombreuses traditions, allumer les bougies est un acte sacré qui exprime plus que ce que les mots peuvent exprimer. Allumer une bougie de condoléance et laisser vos messages de soutien aux familles de victime. Please sign the memorial wall bellow and visit the Air France Flight 447 Tribute site at http://www.airfranceflight447tribute.org/ Driss R. Temsamani