AK PFD only issued to Alaska-born residents

With this petition, I hope to get a sufficient amount of signatures to compel the Alaska Legislature to only issue PFD's to "Alaskan's" using revised residency requirements. (It probably won't happen, but at least I'm trying)
The Permanent Fund Dividend is a large part of Alaska's history, and even ties into all of Alaskan's heritage. Don't you think, that as an Alaskan, you have earned the privilege and right to collect monetary assets as voted into legislature by your forefathers?
I'll bet you are all secretly saying, "Yes, that's right.", in your heads. Now, before you go and get all excited, let's define what an "Alaskan" really is...
What is an "Alaskan"? Well, one does not simply move to Alaska from another country or state and become an Alaskan. You don't become an Alaskan when you reach the calendar year mark to qualify for the PFD. You don't become an Alaskan by changing where you live on Facebook to somewhere in Alaska. You are NOT even semi-Alaskan if you live somewhere other than Alaska, and have distant relatives who actually live in Alaska. Most of the people claiming to be "Alaskan" in Alaska moved to Alaska for the PFD.Stating facts is not being mean; let's take a look at the evidence, shall we? (source: http://www.adn.com/article/numbers-alaska-permanen...)
Value (in dollars) of state's first Prudhoe Bay oilfield lease sale in 1969: $900 million
Dollar value today, adjusted for inflation: $5.65 billion
Population of Alaska in 1968-69: 294,600
Year that an Alaska Permanent Fund bill first passed the Legislature: 1975
Governor who vetoed Alaska Permanent Fund legislation: Jay Hammond
Year Alaskans voted by constitutional amendment to establish permanent fund: 1976
Governor who championed permanent fund constitutional amendment: Jay Hammond
Value (in dollars) of initial permanent fund investment: $734,000
Initial investment value today, adjusted for inflation: $2.98 billion
Population of Alaska in 1975-76: 409,800
Market price of a barrel of oil in November 1976: $8.69 ($35.18 in today's dollars)
Year Alaska Legislature repealed state income tax: 1980
Year of first PFD check distribution: 1982
Value (in dollars) of first PFD check: $1,000
Adjusted for inflation: $2,387.35
Population of Alaska in 1981-82: 464,300
Market price of a barrel of oil in November 1982: $28.74 ($68.61 in today's dollars)
Year (and value) of smallest PFD: 1984 ($331.29)
Year (and value) of largest PFD: 2008/$2,069
Actual amount given to every PFD recipient in 2008: $3,269
Population of Alaska in 2007-08: 679,220
Value of 2011 PFD: $1,174
Value of permanent fund end of fiscal year 2012: $40.3 billion
Basis of PFD check: Formula that accounts for five-year average of Alaska Permanent Fund earnings and size of Alaska population, minus cost of program operations
Who appropriates funds for Alaska PFD distribution: Alaska Legislature
Number of 2012 Alaska PFD applicants: 677,733
Number of 2012 Alaska PFD recipients: 646,805
Value of 2012 PFD: $878
Difference between 2011 PFD and 2012 PFD: -$296
Estimated total amount of PFD distributions from state to Alaskans in 2012: $567,338,304.39
Date eligible Alaskans can expect first distribution of 2012 PFD: Oct. 4
Number of Alaskans who chose PFD electronic deposit in 2012: Approximately 515,000
Estimated average PFD distribution per Alaskan over life of Permanent Fund: $34,243.41
Value (in dollars) of Alaska PFD checks paid out by state to residents since dividend program inception: $20.1 billion
As you can clearly see, right after the Permanent Fund was voted into legislature, Alaska's population jumped significantly. Yes, there were those who relocated for employment with big oil, but a large percentage of the population were Non-Alaskan's trying to shove their hands into our cookie jar to take all our cookies away.
Who would get the PFD then? (1) Current Alaska residents who were born in Alaska; (2) the spouses and children of those born in Alaska as long as they also reside in the state of Alaska with the spouse or parent, even if they were born outside of Alaska.
The bottom line is: If you were born in Alaska, you are an Alaskan. If you have lived most or all your life in Alaska, you may be Alaskan, but why take the chance? Just marry an Alaskan...
All Alaskan's love their cookies, and that is why I am proposing this petition.