Let "AK" get his refugee status!
"Next thursday, March 6th, "AK", a 56 year-old malaysian man may find himself on a plane back to his home country, his refugee application denied." This was the first sentence of the article "Malaysian Malaise" published in Feb 28th edition of the Montreal Mirror. AK is a hindu, homosexual man. He has been arrested, "sexually, verbally and physically abused by the police" because in Malaysia "homosexuality is a worse crime than murder" (quoted from the head of education and research at Malaysia's islamic affaires dpt, whose 50 agents act as the country's morality police. His demand for a refugee status in Canada has been refused because a Muslim judge turned him down! After many tries on different grounds (which also have failed) he now faces a deportation order. Returning to his home-country is synonym to not only exclusion but torture and possibly death. The situation is clearly unacceptable and should not happen in a country that prides itself on it's freedom of speech and of opinion. In order to possibly create a change as to "AK" please sign this petition and pass it around..