Andy Peekeekoot's Fight For Life

Appeal Date was September 25, 2014. The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Dismissed Andy's Appeal.
Please help Andy Peekeekoot bring awareness of the unfair and biased Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice.
In signing this petition we are aiming to assist Andy Peekeekoot to eventual gain his freedom and to stop the sickening episodes of injustices against impoverished Aboriginal individuals by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice.
Mr. Andy Peekeekoot, from the Ahtahkakoop First Nations in Saskatchewan is a husband and father. He is fighting an unfair judicial system that labelled him a Dangerous Offender on January 15, 2010. He has been incarcerated unjustly for 8 years.We want to bring awareness and education around the corrupt and racist Judicial system, particularly Saskatchewan that puts away impoverished Aboriginal Men for LIFE unjustly!
http://aptn.ca/pages/news/2010/12/21/locked-up-for-life-part-1<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />