Animal Art and Fundraiser at the National Gallery of Art

We, the undersigned, support a proposal to the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. to host and display a temporary exhibition of artwork created by animals and we request that monetary proceeds from the exhibition be donated to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
To learn more about the philosophy and purpose of the exhibition, go to http://penny-dachshund-artist.blogspot.com/p/petition.html.
SIGN THE PETITION by filling in the brief info below and clicking on the "Sign!" box at the bottom of this page!
When you sign the petition, please be sure to indicate if you know of an animal that creates artwork that could be included in the exhibition. The dachshund, Penny, extends an invitation to all animals and their artwork and to animal enthusiasts to help promote and generate support for this event. View Penny's artwork and read more at http://penny-dachshund-artist.blogspot.com.
Go to http://penny-dachshund-artist.blogspot.com to see Penny's artwork.
Follow Penny on Twitter: http://twitter.com/dachshundartist