Request FEI to Ban Hyperflexion in Competition

To: Federation Equestre Internationale As per your own Code of Conduct, "The Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI's Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences." I would like to respectfully request that the FEI stop the excessive and abundant use of the hyperflexion or "Rollkur" technique, especially during the warm-up and on the grounds of FEI competitions. This technique, which was once only seen used by a few riders for a few strides here and there has progressed into a sustained and long-lasting method and basis for training. Horses with mouths gaping open, necks in extreme positions for extended amounts of time, and blue tongues should not be acceptable in our sport and is an injustice to the beautiful and willing spirit of the horse. This method is not in line with a "happy athlete". What will become of our sport if the general public sees this image of how some of our most visible athletes treat their horses Surely animal activists will begin to attack our sport, which when done correctly, and without these contortions, enhances the beauty and physical well-being of our beautiful and kind horses. Please, we demand you take this opportunity to consider the well-being of the horses and the image of dressage. The time to act and eliminate this method of training from our beloved sport is now. Take a stand as THE voice of international dressage. It is your job and your responsibility. We await your action on this issue. Respectfully, The Undersigned