We need your help! This petition has been created so that Ashlee’s voice can be heard on Gun Safety! Ashlee lost her life on September 3, 2010 due to her boyfriend’s lack of education and poor judgment call. This Gross Negligance act on his part could have been eliminated with proper "Safety Gun Awareness". This young man received a firearm as a gift from his parents on his 18th birthday without gaining a weapons permits or any type of safety training before he was able to possess this firearm. We can stop this Gross negligant act from happening to another child or a young adult again. We believe the answer is by simply educating and making people aware of gun safety, being taught the appropriate way to store, handle and use a firearm. We are working to pass a new Gun Awareness Law/Amendment that anyone who is under the age of 21 that wants to have the "RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS" should attend a safety course training that educates themselves in the proper use and handling of any firearm (handgun, rifle or shotgun) and gain the appropriate permits allowing them this weapon. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />