Please help us Make the Fed and 'bailout' corporations Accountable for their actions

Despite the 'bailout' of the Federal Reserve our economy is still suffering. Jops, homes and property are still being lost at an epic rate. Unemployment is worse than it has ever been in our nation at any time other than the Great Depression.
Please sign this petition to make the Federal Reserve responsible for the money it received. Not only did the federal bailout cost every American (Man Woman and Child) $12,000 dollars personally, it also created even greater long term problems yet to be forseen. And our enconomy is still faltering!
Please help other concerned taxpayers make the Federal Reserve and 'bailout' corporations culpable for its actions by signing this petition. The purpose of this petition is two-fold. It aims to:
First: Permit the GAO (Governmental Accountability Office) to look into what exactly individual members of the Fed did with our bailout money, and
Second: Place financial responsibility on those bankers for the ways in which that money was spent.
If it cannot be proven that a particular bank or business acted in good faith with the intention to protect the economy but instead used its portion of the bailout to pay for bonuses to its CEO, Executives, Chairmen etc. it should be required to pay back that money. Signing this petition could force Washington to make this happen.
Please sign today. Thank you!