Ban indoor smoking in shared residential buildings

I am starting this petition as indoor smoking is particularly troublesome in shared residential buildings & being as I have asthma, I am sick on a daily basis. I am seeking the help of the public to get a law put in place not only in Utah where I live, but the entire US. I have dealt with this everywhere I have lived since I left my parents house (apartments & condominiums over a period of 15 years) & I would like to see a stop to this before my life expires as my health is already extremely bad due to the drifting indoor pollution caused by indoor smokers.
The resolution I am looking for is that it be considered a crime to smoke inside a shared residential building (whether owned or rented by the person living there) where people can be fined for such violations. This can either be upheld by the building management or the law, but the point of this is to make it so local law enforcement will no longer turn a blind eye to the matter while other people are constantly ill or dying in response to a situation they may not have the funds to get out of.
This petition is directed at Congress, the State of Utah & the United States in general to enforce the rights of non-smokers. This is perhaps a last chance to seek the ability to continue living where I am now & to allow non-smokers the ability to breath clean air in their own homes & not be ignored by local law enforcement. I implore the Government to listen to this matter & help us who do not want to be subjected to indoor smoking in our own homes; help us find a solution, so we are no longer burdened by the health hazards by people who have no consideration for others & allow us to breath a sigh of relief before we end up taking our last breath.