Letter-appeal Petitioning the Overseas Welfare Workers Administration (OWWA), Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Philippine Embassy to i
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Letter-Appeal Petitioning Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Philippine Embassy to immediately Expedite Release of Financial Assistance for the Repatriation of the Body of Deceased Migrant Worker Benjamin Galap Yango from China to the Philippines
Consul, Philippine Embassy
Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs
Administrator, OWWA
Labor Secretary
In pursuit of protecting the rights of overseas migrant workers who continue to provide millions of remittances to the coffers of the government, respectfully asking your immediate action for the release of financial assistance to expedite release of the body of migrant worker, Benjamin Galap Yango, currently lying in a morgue at Harbin, China,to enable repatriation as soon as possible to the deceased’s hometown in Bontoc, Mountain Province.
Benjamin G. Yango, 33, believed to have died of heart attack 2 or 3 days prior to May 21, 2010 when the Police found him dead in his apartment, has no autopsy and investigation done yet on the body.
Benjamin Galap Yango traces his roots from Bontoc, Mountain Province and Benguet. He is married to Fely Tomino of Kabayan, Benguet and blessed with two children. He is an English teacher at Longdi Primary School in A'cheng, Harbin, China since 2007 to the present when he met his death.
As of now, repatriation fees reportedly cost RMB 86,000 (PhP 584,800) and cost getting higher as the body remains in the morgue.
Concerned government agencies including the Philippine Embassy in China have been repeatedly asked by Benjamin Yango's widow for said agency to provide and/or facilitate monetary assistance to enable repatriation of the body to the Philippines, only to be met by a negative response.
Considering the above, we strongly reiterate prior requests and ask concerned offices to provide the necessary monetary assistance to immediately enable the body of the deceased to be flown to his hometown as soon as possible.
Especially, we call on OWWA to provide and/or facilitate financial assistance for the human remains of Benjamin Yango to be repatriated to Philippine soil as part of its responsibility and duty to provide services for migrant workers.
We also reiterate one of the objectives of the Philippine Embassy “to protect the rights and promote the welfare of Filipinos overseas workers…” and its mission be implemented in a substantial manner to be of concrete service to our brother and sister migrant workers and their families who continue to provide a big part of the economic backbone of the country.
It is therefore urgently requested that the Philippine Embassy, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) in their respective capacities fast track the release of monetary assistance which the Philippine government should provide as part of its obligation and duty to protect and support the rights and welfare of migrant workers and their families.
We likewise support Benguet Province Governor Nestor Fongwan in asking the DFA to ask the Philippine Embassy in China to assist in the repatriation of the body as soon as possible.
We likewise urge Mountain Province Governor Maximo Dalog in his respective effort to do the appropriate action for the immediate release of the body of Benjamin Yango in order that the body be flown home as soon as possible.
In the same vein, we urge the concerned offices—OWWA, DFA and the Philippine Embassy in China - to intervene/ask/urge Ms. Wang Ying, the school owner-employer of Benjamin Yango to provide the corresponding financial assistance for Benjamin Yango as his employee of the latter’s untimely death.
Your attention is much appreciated.