New Mexico Citizens & Employers Opposed to a Minimum Wage Increase

Recently, Governor Susana Martinez vetoed a statewide minimum wage bill that would have reduced New Mexico’s ability to compete with surrounding states. Now minimum wage proponents are turning to local governments to impose the same kind of opportunity killing legislation. The Bernalillo County Board of County Commissioners is considering legislation to increase the minimum wage in Bernalillo County on April 23, 2013. We the undersigned, adult residents, of New Mexico strongly urge Bernalillo County Commissioners to oppose any increase in the minimum wage in Bernalillo County. A study by Texas A&M University published August 9, 2012 shows that net job growth falls in response to an increase in minimum wage.
The history of the minimum wage and increases to it prove raising the minimum wage hurts those it is intended to help. For example, evidence of employment loss has been found since the earliest implementation of the minimum wage. The U.S. Department of Labor's own assessment of the first 25-cent minimum wage in 1938 found that it resulted in job losses for 30,000 to 50,000 workers, or 10 to 13 percent of the 300,000 covered workers who previously earned below the new wage floor.
Similar damaging effects were observed on American Samoa from minimum wage increases imposed between 2007 and 2009. Indeed, the effects were so pronounced on the island's economy that President Obama signed into law
a bill postponing the minimum wage increases scheduled for 2010 and 2011. Concern over the scheduled 2012 increase of $0.50, compelled
Governor Togiola Tulafono to testify before Congress: "We are watching our
economy burn down. We know what to do to stop it. We need to bring the aggressive wage costs decreed by the Federal Government under control... Our job market is being torched. Our businesses are being depressed. Our hope for growth has been driven away."
We do not want to see our neighbors lose their jobs because of increased costs to employers that will force businesses to lay off employees. We do not want to see minimum wage legislation spread to other cities and counties in New Mexico.
We the undersigned are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to oppose an increase in the minimum wage in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.