Bikers of GTA Unite!
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

We, the united Bikers of GTA Online, who are loyal customers, supporters and fans of the GTA franchise, have come together to request a proper Biker DLC package from Rockstar Games! We have been ignored long enough, and we feel it's time our needs are respected. What we ask for, we do not expect for free, as our dedication and love of this game can be portrayed in our willingness to pay for such a long overdue DLC content update for the GTA V online mode.
THE BIKER DLC PETITION VIDEO: (www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwnhDonhUSU)
- Realistic biker clothing: Leather vests (open/closed), Bowl/Skull biker helmets (like Lost NPCs have in game), Riding googles, Open leather jackets with shirts / hoodies combo, Variety of biker boots (Studded/Shinguard Boots - like the LOST NPC's already have in the game) More grunge / dirty styled clothing, tattered jeans, chains on jeans, etc.
- Additional chopper modifications: More variety of tanks for EVERY bike, extended & interchangable handle-bars, more variety of exhausts, no LOST emblem on the daemon seats, blacked out engines, more color options for tyres instead of just white-wall
- Custom Bike Shop: We deserve quality modifications, designs, paint jobs & livery (if you won't give us our own shop, then open up Benny's to choppers and we'll pay for upgrades to our bikes!)
- More chopper bikes: Give us the rest of the bikes from TLAD - Diabolus, Zombie, Revenant, Lycan & Nightblade, or create something new! (NOT sports bikes)
- More variety of physical attributes: Better biker beards, especially long beards like Trevor, punk / rock hairstyles, more variety of tattoos and piercings (like the LOST NPCs already have in game)
- Access to bars / accessible clubhouse locations in GTA V (Tequi-la-la, Mojito Inn, Mirror Park Tavern, Hen House, etc)
Below are the GTA online Motorcycle clubs represented by this petition:
- Banished Breed MC (www.banishedbreedmc.com)
- Sisters of Evil
- Kindred Cold MC
- Sons of Blackwood MC
- Top Skulls MC
- Angels of Death MC
- Black Wasp MC (www.blackwaspmc.com)
- Savage Crows MC
- The Exiled MC (http://mctheexiled.wix.com/exiled)
- Savage Breed MC
- Satudarah MC
- Demonic MC (http://syldmc.wix.com/demonicmc)
- Damned Devils MC (www.DamnedDevilsMC.com/weebly.com)
- Vintage Bikers MC
- Battle Axe Warriors MC
- Grim Aces MC (http://decaygaming.wix.com/grimacesmcgta)
- The Lost MC
- Brothers of Mayhem MC (www.brothersofmayhemmc.wix.com/bmmc)
- Archangels MC (http://archangelsmc.tk)
- Ravens MC Worldwide
- Roadkill MC
- Lost MC Liberty
- Hells Warriors MC
- Sons of Guns MC
- Angels of Sin MC
- Reaper Lords MC (www.reaperlords-mc.com)
- Outlaws MC (France)
- Devils Few MC (https://www.instagram.com/devilsfewmc)
- Warrior of Death MC (http://warriorofdeathmc.e-monsite.com)
- Kings Legion MC
- Forbidden Souls MC (http://forbiddensoulsmc.wix.com/fsmc)
- Vagos MC
- Metal Rebels MC
- Sons of Bakersfield MC
- Infernal Punks MC (www.infernalpunksmc.com)
- Los Enemigos MC
- Reapers MC (www.reapersmcoriginal.com)
- Abysuss MC Germany (www.abyssusmc.de)
- Demon Disciples MC
- Child of Damn MC
- Sons of Anarchy MC (Grand Señora)
- Bandidos MC (www.bandidosMCgta.wix.com/SYLB)
- Knaves MC (www.knavesmc.enjin.com)
- Filthy Goons MC
- Rogue Kings MC
- Ace Bandits MC (www.acebanditsboss.wix.com/acebanditsmc)
- Dirty Diamonds MC
- Sons of Anarchy MC (Los Santos)
- Outcast Reapers MC (www.outcast-reapers-mc.com)
- Laffing Jokers MC (www.ljmcbusiness.wix.com/laffing-jokers)
- War Chiefs MC
- Grim Legion MC (http://sites.google.com/site/grimlegionmcgta/home)
- Sons of Destruction MC
- The Bstards MC (www.thebstardsmc.co.nr)
- Rumbling Reapers MC
- Hells Angels Ireland
- War Pistons LS
- Insane Gunnerz MC
- The Outcast MC (www.themcoutcasts.wix.com/gtaoutcasts)
- Reapers Rebels MC
- Unforgotten Riders MC
- Thug Riders MC
- Green Reapers MC
- Hells Angels Notorious
- Free Souls MC WA
- Smoke Dogs MC
- Dirty 30 MC
- Caveira's VMC (www.facebook.com/caveirasvmc)
- 808 Hooligans MC (https://hooligansmcblog.wordpress.com)
- Fallen Devils MC (www.fallendevils.wix.com/fdmc)
- Circle of Bone MC
- Sons of Satan MC
- CÁES MC (www.facebook.com/Cães-MC-1444111439221599)
- Twisted Devils MC (http://twisteddevilsmc.weebly.com/)
- Swedes MC
- Savage Vikings MC
- Death Devils MC
- Rebels MC
- Kamali MC (www.kamalimc.wix.com/kamc)
- Devils Bastards MC
- Reaper Kings MC
- Angels of Anarchy MC (www.aamc.club)
- James Gang MC (http://jamesgangmc.weebly.com)
- Convicts MC (Australia)
- Great Danes MC
- Tatted Devils MC
- Outcast MC PS4
- Red Devils MC (Australia)
- True Diablos MC XB1
- Death Servants MC
- The Feared MC
- The Outsiders MC PS4
- Vikings MC (Brazil)
- Hells Angels LOMC
- Red Devils MC (France)
- Skull Breaker MC
- Esqueletos MC
- Vikings Bikers VMC (www.facebook.com/VikingsBikers/)
- Hells Angels MC (Italy)
- Celtics MC (Los Santos)
- Sinister Few MC
- Deadshot Bikers RCMP
- Laughing Coffins MC
- Hells Angels (Belgium)
- Restless MC
- Iron Sentinels MC
- Aces and 8s MC
- Phoenix Riders MC
- Lost MC (Spain)
- Reapers Union MC
- Death Rebels MC
- Cruises MC (www.reddit.com/r/GTAV_Cruises)
- Grim MC (socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/grim_fandango_mc)
- Love Fisters MC (UK)
- Red Devils MC Belgium (http://rdbe-dffd.wix.com/acceuil)
- Pirates MC
- Fuse MC
- Elite Pro Army Crew (socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/elite_pro_army_crew)
- Reaper Slaves MC
- Disciples of Sin MC
- Malphas Mothers MC
- Sons of Anarchy MC DX
- The Flying Dutchman MC
- Sons of Anarchy MC France (sonsofanarchyfrancegtamc.e-monsite.com/)
- Hells Angels MC Spain (es.socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/hells_angels_spainmc)
- Boozefighters MC
- Highlife Hustlas MC (highlifehustlas.wix.com/hlmc#!home-page/syd8v)
- Nexus 6 Replicants Crew
- Feared MC (fearthefearedmc.weebly.com)
- War Bikers MC
- Graveyard Saints 13 Crew
- The Hellcats Hotrods Crew
- Devils Rebels MC
- The Merchanti Family
- Sons of Anarchy MC (Sandy Shores)
- Sons of Anarchy MC (La Mesa)
- White Bears MC
- Lost Souls MC
- The Brasileiros
- Gods of Mayhem MC
- Hell Angels Brazil (@HellsAngelsVMC)
- Burning Suns MC (youTube.com/BurningSunsMCCrew)
- Savages MC (San Andreas)
- True Sons of Terror MC (IG: Instagram: true_sons.of.Terror_mc)
- Archangels Empire MC
- Solo Order MC
- Triple Skulls MC
- Ruff Ryders Worldwide
- Mischief Ones MC
- Angels of Redemption MC
- Sons of Chaos MC
- Grim Souls MC
- Le Black Riders MC (France)
- Reaper Kings MC
- Primal Empire MC
- Templars MC
- Black Riders MC
- Red Army 81 Cologne
- Colossal Shadows
- Uptown Ryders MC
- Infected Souls MC
- Los Santos Ruff Ryders MC
- Legends of Darkness MC
- Reapers Reach MC
- Drunken Rebels MC
- The Lost MC Original (http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/the_lost_mc_original)
- Sonz of Azreal MC
- Nights Watch MC
- Rebel Kings MC (www.rebelkingsmc.weebly.com)
- Uptown MC 187
- Veteran MC
- The Locals MC
- Lost Grove Mafia
- Hell Hounds MC