Release Dr. Binayak Sen Now (This Petition is Now Closed)

RELEASE Dr. BINAYAK SEN NOW CAMPAIGN (UK) To: Honourable P Chidambaram, Home Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India cc. The High Commissioner, India House, London, UK Dear Shri Chidambaram, Re. Dr Binayak Sen We are gravely concerned about the continuing imprisonment of Dr Binayak Sen, an internationally renowned medical doctor and human rights activist, in Raipur jail in the state of Chhattisgarh since May 14, 2007. Dr. Sen is the national Vice President of People's Union for Civil Liberties, one of the oldest civil liberties organizations in India and has been working in Chhattisgarh on issues of basic livelihood, health services and social justice. In 2008 his work in Chhattisgarh was recognized through the award of the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights. It is appalling that the trial began a full 12 months after his arrest. We are dismayed that he has been repeatedly denied bail. Amnesty International has called the charges against him 'trumped up' and it is clear to all observers that till date, the prosecution has failed to provide even a shred of credible evidence against him. Twenty-two Nobel Laureates signed an open letter to the Government of India requesting his immediate release and expressed 'grave concern' on the contravention of his fundamental human rights. We are further concerned at recent reports regarding his declining health. Dr. Binayak Sen has been suffering from chest pain and the delay in providing him medical care of his choice poses a grave threat to his life. We, the undersigned, believe that the current plight of Dr. Binayak Sen is linked to his outspoken criticism of the Chhattisgarh state's support for Salwa Judum, an armed vigilante group that has massacred local people and forced thousands to flee their homes. We fear that he is being victimized through a shameful miscarriage of justice under the guise of national security. His arrest and prosecution are a major blot on India's international reputation and standing. We therefore urge you to do all in your power to ensure that 1) Dr. Binyak Sen is immediately allowed access to medical care of his choice at the Christian Medical College in Vellore; 2) Dr. Binayak Sen is released without delay as the repeated denial of bail to him is a violation of his constitutional right to personal liberty as a citizen of India 3) the legal proceedings against Dr. Sen are brought to a swift and just conclusion. Yours sincerely,