Bogey Died - Recall Blue Buffalo Dog Food: Life Protection Formula Healthy Weight

Hi Everyone,My name is Bogey. I had a wonderful life and was never sick a day. I love my Dad, Steve, and I wish I could still be here with him. He rescued me when I was three years old. I moved in with him and my brother Sam (that’s him in my Dad’s photo).A terrible thing happened to me that I want to let you all know about so it does not happen to one of you. I was eating good food for a long time and my Dad wanted to give me and my sister’s, Savannah and Dallas a better rounded diet because we love to eat. One night while we were watching television, Blue Buffalo came on. I saw all the happy dogs on the television. By the way, I loved watching TV and barking with the other dogs that I saw. Anyhow, we watched this commercial and my Dad said, “I bet you would like to try something different for a change; something that is better and will keep you well and make you happy. “ I looked at my Dad and gave him the wag of my tail as did my sister’s. That weekend he went shopping and came home with Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula, Healthy Weight food. You see all three of us love to eat. We sought of play games together with the food. I love to bark to let my sisters know I am eating. My sister Savannah loves to sit by the food and tease me while I eat. I miss Savannah and Dallas so much. I don’t know what happened, but I started to feel funny a couple of days later. My sister Savannah threw up, so did my Chihuahua sister Pumpkin. I think she liked me as a boyfriend. Then Dallas got sick. I wasn’t sick so who would have thought that what I was eating was bad. My Dad immediately took the food away. I didn’t know what was wrong but I know he does everything for my well being. On Tuesday, September 2, I had a wonderful day. I didn’t mind the food was gone. I did get to eat some of it that night before he removed it, but I didn’t want to tell him because he would get worried. My sisters didn’t have any, but I ate a lot. I went for a great walk. I love the outside. I love walking and playing with my sisters. I really love them and they really love me. I love being alive. I jumped on the bed that night and cuddled with my Dad. Wednesday was a very strange day. Something was wrong with me. My Dad woke up at around 5:30 to get ready to take us down. I was so happy that he had bought this new leash where he would be able to walk all three of us together. Everyone used to look at us and smile. People were so nice to me. Anyhow, I love to talk, back on track. My Savannah and Dallas raced off the bed when they heard the jiggle of the leash. I didn’t feel like getting up. I wasn’t feeling right. My Dad came in and thought I was playing games with him. I usually do, but this time I wasn’t. He picked me up and set me down. I couldn’t stand up. I lost my balance. He tried desperately to help but he couldn’t. I heard him say to his father that something is really wrong. I started to get scared but I knew my Dad was going to do everything he could to help me. I heard my Dad call the Dog Doctor. He thought I had a stroke, but that was not the problem. The vet told him to put some honey in my mouth. When he did that I began to violently vomit. It was the food coming up. I thought this was supposed to be healthy. I felt so sick. I threw up again and fumbled around. I finally lied down on the couch and was told we were going to the hospital. I thought I was going to get better, I had no idea this was the beginning of the end. I was healthy. I was happy. I was loved. Savannah and Dallas didn’t know what was happening. They were watching me as I left the house. I didn’t know I would never see them again. I would have said goodbye. After we left, I was very embarrassed when I threw up in the elevator going down to the car. But daddy told me to hang on. We’re going for help to get you well. I looked at him with sad eyes because I wasn’t sure about that. We got to the Hospital and the Doctor immediately laid me down on my side and started to examine me. I was going to be strong. I was going to be strong for my Daddy. But I was getting weak. The Doctor had my Daddy hold me while he took some of my blood. He also took my temperature and said I had a high fever. I looked at my Daddy and wanted to kiss him but I couldn’t even lift my head. I was hooked up to an IV and was getting hydrated. I got some Glucose, and for a moment I started to feel a little better. I was hopeful. Then I threw up again. I actually threw up three times that morning at the hospital. My Daddy looked so sad. He told me he was going to go to work and would come back fast if I needed him. The doctor was trying so hard to help me. He was a nice man. But I started getting sicker and needed my Dad. The doctor called him at work and he came to see me. I was so glad to see him. If only he knew we had such little time left. He stayed with me for about an hour and had to go home. He told me he was going to come back soon. I heard him say to the Doctor that he wants to take me home tonight regardless and that if I was still sick in the morning he would bring me back and put me down. He always would put me down gently. What was different about this one? I was having so much trouble. The doctor looked worried. My Daddy finally came back to see me. He gave me a big warm hug and I looked at him with my big sad eyes to express to him that I love him. He stayed a little bit and said that he would be back in an hour to take me home. I was looking forward to seeing Dallas, Savannah, Pumpkin, Grandma and Grandpa. But something happened to me while he was gone. I got really sick. I was trying so hard to hold on. I kept my eyes open always waiting for my Dad to return, but I could not last any longer and I died with my eyes open staring at the door waiting for him. If he was only five minutes sooner, he could have had closure. He could have been there for me. He could have told me he loved me. But he was not given that time. Why, because the food he fed me from Blue Buffalo poisoned me and got me sick. I died from Pancreatitis from food poisoning. This is was so unfair to all my friends and family. They did not deserve this. I was plucked out of their lives and never got to say goodbye. I was so sad. AS I floated above my lifeless body, I saw my Dad come in. The last time I saw him this sad was when my brother Sam died. But Sam was 15 years old. He had a long life. I had a great life but it was cut short. So everybody, please be aware that Blue Buffalo may not be as wonderful for all you dogs like they say it was. It killed me, Bogey the Pug. It could kill you too. Please, boycott the food. Tell your friends and family. Let everyone know that there is a possibility that you can get sick also and taken away from the people who love you.I miss everyone. I want to let my Daddy know that Sam says hello too. We are inseparable. We are on the Rainbow Bridge waiting for you. Don’t feel guilty Daddy, it was not your fault. It was Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula. I will always know you wanted the best for me. I love you.