Keep Bonnto Klip on the MBC

TO: The Prime Minister, Mauritius, and the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation:
The MBC has unilaterally taken the decision of stopping the broadcasts of BONNTO KLIP, one of the most popular shows on television in Mauritius for the last 4 years. The show is produced by Independent Productions, and given to the MBC for free. Independent Productions finances the show through a private sponsor, Emtel.
Bonnto Klip has been essential in developing the audio visual sector in Mauritius, as well as supporting our artists. Its removal from the program grid of the MBC is causing prejudice to the artists of Mauritius & of Rodrigues.
The MBC suddenly refuses to air the program in any time slot, in any channel on any day. The only explanation provided by the director was that the MBC wants to produce its own music show. We applaud this initiative and reiterate that there is plenty of room for more than one musical program on the MBC, especially when our production is given for free and is followed by hundreds of thousands of viewers every week.
We hereby request for the MBC to revise its decision and start broadcasting Bonnto Klip again, under the same conditions as before.
Yours faithfully,